A banker who resisted the urge to invest in toxic assets during the boom is cleaning up during the bust. Andy Beal of Beal Bank in Plano, Texas "virtually stopped making or buying loans" from 2004 to 2007, leading people around him to think he was crazy. Now he's buying up loans at fire sale prices and has tripled his bank's assets to $7 billion in the last 15 months, and without government bailout money.
I broke pretty much all of my rules going into this tournament, some of which just aren't my fault. My rules are simple:
1. Unpack immediately (did that) 2. No socializing the night before 3. Dinner alone in the room 4. No drinking 5. 8 hours of sleep
I broke 4 out of the 5 rules. I played in the Ante Up for Africa Celebrity event and came in 5th place. It was a lot of fun and I had a few drinks during the event. I had a fun table to start, but busted half of them and had the chip lead at the final table by a large margin before going card dead.
After the event I planned on going straight to bed, then somehow got convinced to have "one drink" at the bar. That never works! I don't know what it is about being in Europe but everything just seems like more fun. One drink turned into "more drinks" and then it just got late. I probably got about 5 hours of sleep and didn't really eat the whole night.
You know Annie, I loved you as a poker player, but as a person? Your 'I'm so great' attitude is grating. You constantly brag while putting everyone else down, this speaks volumes about you and less about your targets. I went into this rooting for you - but frankly, I just can't stand you anymore. It's going to be hard watching you play poker, you have really been behaving disgracefully - and this article cements my opinion - well, at least your brother seems to have class
Can you just imagine how many kids at school are going to bring up to her children that she gives a "good blow job" Kids will keep on recounting that little fact long beyond the time they forget where it even came from. In fact, the history behind it will be rewritten over and over against until it develops into a story about annie blowing every male in the area.
I think the fact that she was talking to Playboy star Brande Roderick had something to do with her comment. I don’t know if she expected it to be aired.
Getting the Best of It is David's personal favorites among his work. It's a very basic book, covering some poker, some general gambling, some biographical stuff about David. It's his attempt to convey the idea of how to get an edge in a gamble. He does a pretty good job of it. A really good book selection for beginning gamblers.
I have a signed edition, it was a gift from David.
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If you're a somewhat experienced poker player and have a stronger than average background in mathematics, then Mathematics of Poker is for you.
If you're relatively new to poker and don't have any background in mathematics then you might be better with a more basic book on simple probability applications to gambling like Sklansky's Getting the Best of It
Subscribe to American Tradition American Tradition is my blog of social and political commentary.
Subscribe to Overnight Travel Overnight Travel is my blog of travel experiences.
Subscribe to Playing No Limit Poker Playing No Limit Poker is my blog of notes for a no limit poker book I'm working on.
Subscribe to Road to the 2007 World Series of Poker Road to the 2007 World Series of POker is a blog of notes about setting aside some money for a trip to the World Series. I haven't been doing so good in that quest..
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