I was reading 2+2 the other day and ran across a thread about the best poker books. I can't resist reading a thread like that and I was surprised to see not one mention of my hold'em book. I don't expect much mention of it on 2+2 because Mason really dislikes me and most of the posters on 2+2 go out of there way to please him, or at least not displease him. He does have a habit of banning people from the forum who displease him. But I was surprised to see no mention of my book at all.
When a similar thread came up on rgp the other day (asking about books for limit poker)two out of five responses mentioned my hold'em book and one mentioned my casino poker book.
In a thread on rgp a couple of years ago where someone asked about a good hold'em book, 5 out of the 10 responders recommending books recommended my hold'em book.
I really think there's something fundementally wrong with the kind of group-think that goes on at the 2+2 forum. It's always been like that, at one time Mason actively encouraged that kind of thinking. He doesn't actively encourge group think anymore but the effects of his old behavior remain.
I think at the time my book was written it was by far the best hold'em book on the market. Because of the growth in interest in tournaments and no limit since then it may well no longer be the best hold'em book. I'm not sure it even makes sense to talk about the best hold'em book anymore, back when mine was written hold'em basically meant limit hold'em ring games.
I thought about not posting this because it just looks like whining or sour grapes or something. But, I couldn't think of anything else to say today.