Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sucking out with God

Whenever I suck out on some nit at the poker table and he responds by calling me a luckbox, or asshole, or lucky idiot, or some such thing, my response is something like.

I used to lose all the time at poker, but then I developed a close, personal relationship with God. Now, he takes care of me. If you'd put in the effort it takes to get to know God, you'd become a winner at poker to rather than the loser you are now.

Or something like that.

Most people know I'm joking, but some seem to not be so sure that I'm not just some delusional nutcase. Those are always nice to me after I say something like that.

In his blog, Danny Boy expresses surprise that a lot of people are nice to him when he expresses his delusions about his personal relatship with God, Tufu, and Poker.

I probably shouldn't say this, and I thought about not saying it, but the truth is that I thought of Ted Haggard when I read Danny's blog.

I make fun of him, but I do wish him well. His last couple of blogs came across as just very depressed to me. In this one he talked about just locking himself up in his room (not the way he described it) when he was in Austrailia with a couple of days of no poker commitments.

If that's true then God's not going to be giving him the help he needs.

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Blogger Bill said...

My buddy always says something like "Jesus gave me quads."

7:04 PM  

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