Saturday, July 19, 2008

Doyle Brunson's Secretsw

Random Shuffle Quotes David Benyamine:
Great cash-game players know when to play good games and when to leave bad games.
It calls to mind Doyle Brunson’s top two secrets for getting rich playing poker.

Major Riddle

Jimmy Chagra


Blogger DMW said...

I am reading along that "Ghosts at the Table"

The author concludes "he [Doyle] has survived on the front line of poker for fifty years while maintaining a reputation for being straight-it's doubtful he could have done that unless he was." 162

And get well soon

4:34 PM  
Blogger Gary Carson said...

Doyle learned a very long time ago that the road to riches was getting invited to the right games.

I've never even heard rumors that Jimmy Chagra might have been cheated and the rumors I've heard about Major Riddle being cheated mostly come from people who don't understand how badly a really bad poker player can play.

10:12 PM  
Blogger DMW said...

As I read older writings I noticed that almost no one bothers differentiates between outright cheating, collusion or just building a game around someone and softplaying each other. The older players probably think that it would be asinine to draw the disntinctions that I do.

7:40 PM  

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